How To Use SDKs On A Stellar Node
Stellar is broken down into stellar-core and horizon, which allow you to interact with the testnet or mainnet. Using Horizon can be a bit complicated when doing certain calls like operations, which is why there are some Stellar SDKs that make it easy to use stellar-core. All you will need to use the SDK is the endpoint URL of the Blockdaemon Stellar Node.
How to find your Horizon node IP
- Login to your Blockdaemon account.
- In the dashboard, click on the desired Horizon node.
- To generate an IP for the Horizon node, it must first reach the Ready status on the network page.
- Click the Connect tab.
- Your Horizon IP and port will be listed in the IP section.
SDKs Examples
Server server = new Server("");
The example below retrieves a list of transactions that occurred in a ledger. You can modify the method as needed.
The example below retrieves a list of transactions that occurred in a ledger. You can modify the method as needed.
var StellarSdk = require('stellar-sdk');
var server = new StellarSdk.Server('<YOUR_ENDPOINT_URL>');// get a list of transactions that occurred in ledger 714678, you can change the value in the function
.call().then(function(r){ console.log(r); }).catch(function () {console.log("Promise Rejected")});
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Updated about 1 month ago