Stack STX via Lockstacks

A step-by-step guide on how to stack STX with Leather wallet.

About Stacking

Stacks introduces the concept of "Stacking," where you can lock up their tokens to participate in the Stacks network's security and generate Bitcoin rewards in return.

Below are the key points of Stacking:

Minimum Staking AmountThe minimum STX for Stacking is dynamic. You can go to, which shows the current minimum STX.

Currently, the minimum is 100,000 STX.
Reward CycleThe total length of the cycle is 2100 BTC blocks. Each block is generated approximately every 10 minutes, with an average cycle duration of 14 days.

The preparation phase is 100 blocks.
Unbonding TimeIt is up to 15 days, depending on when the STX is stacked in the 15-day Stacks cycle.
Slashing RiskThere is no slashing mechanism for Stacks.
Staking Rewards DistributionStacking rewards are paid in BTC, not STX. At the end of the cycle, the original STX tokens will be unlocked to participate without any deduction.
Staking Rewards CompoundYou don’t compound earnings through STX. You only receive the original STX you locked up.
Inflation Rate-

Stacking with Leather (via Lockstacks)

To stack your tokens and contribute to the Stacks' consensus mechanism, you temporarily lock up your tokens. In return, you become eligible for rewards in BTC. There are different ways to stack and earn Bitcoin, including using an exchange, a non-custodial pool, or doing it yourself.

This guide will show you how to independently stack STX tokens using a non-custodial wallet called Leather.



The average time between blocks is about 10 minutes. It is common for transactions to remain pending between 2 minutes and 60 minutes.

Step 1: Setting up Leather

  1. Install and set up the Leather wallet.
  1. Click the menu button in the top right, and choose Change network. Select the network you want to stack on. For example, select Mainnet.

Step 2: Stacks STX via Lockstacks

  1. Once your Leather wallet is connected and you already have some STX, go to the Lockstacks site.
  2. Click the Connect wallet button.
  1. Connect your Leather wallet.
  1. Choose a Stacking option. In this case, we choose Stack in a pool.
  1. Choose the Custom Pool option since you will delegate to Blockdaemon as your Stacking pool provider. Enter Blockdaemon's pool operator address: SP21D6BW36TSGWAZS8K4JAJVTNXWKQN9G3TH5MG6A.



You can only join the Blockdaemon pool; setting up your own custom pool isn't possible at the momment.

  1. Enter the amount you want to pool. You must delegate at least 50 STX.

Please ensure you have enough STX to cover the transaction fees.

  1. Approve the transaction in your wallet and activate your stake.

Stacking with the Leather Desktop App



  • You must stack at least 50 STX.
  • Ensure you have enough STX to cover the transaction fees.
  • There is a waiting period between stacking cycles where you have to wait one cycle before stacking again from the same address.

If you're Stacking directly through Leather, follow these steps.

  1. Install Leather dekstop app here.
  2. Log in using your secret key or hardware device.
  3. Click the Get started button.
  1. Choose the Stack in a pool option.
  1. You'll be directed to the Stack in a pool screen.
    1. Step 1: Enter Blockdaemon's pool operator address SP21D6BW36TSGWAZS8K4JAJVTNXWKQN9G3TH5MG6A.
    2. Step 2: Set the amount of STX you want to stack.
    3. Step 3: Specify the number of cycles for the pool to stack your specified STX amount on your behalf.



You can only join the Blockdaemon pool; setting up your own custom pool isn't possible at the momment.

  1. You'll see all the details on the right side of the screen, including the transaction fee you need to cover.
  1. Select Confirm and lock to initiate Stacking with the information you've entered.
  2. Sign and confirm the transaction in your Leather wallet.
  3. You'll see a pending "Initiating Stacking" transaction on your home screen. Once confirmed, the specified amount you've chosen will be locked on the chain.

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