NEAR Network Info
Explore in-depth insights about NEAR.
In this section, you'll find key specifics related to NEAR, including staking, bonding, slashing risk, rewards distribution, and more:
Parameters | NEAR |
Minimum Staking Amount | To become a NEAR validator, your staking transaction must exceed the protocol's seat price, determined by the total NEAR tokens staked by other validators. The current seat price is 26,418 NEAR. |
Bonding Time | None. |
Unbonding Time | NEAR's unbonding period is 45-60 hours or approximately 4 epochs. Once this period is over, non-vested tokens become transferable. |
Slashing Risk | NEAR currently doesn't have slashing risk at the network level, but this may change in the future. |
Staking Rewards Distribution | Rewards are added to the staked amount every epoch (about every 15 hours) and can be claimed manually by initiating unbonding. |
Staking Rewards Compound | NEAR staking rewards are compounded automatically. |
Inflation Rate | NEAR’S inflation rate is currently at 5% minus transaction fees. As the network's usage grows, this can result in negative inflation within the protocol. |
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Updated 3 months ago