How to Stake

Learn how to stake ETH to Blockdaemon validator.

This guide walks you through staking ETH with Blockdaemon's validators using the Blockdaemon app.


Important Note:

When staking Ethereum on Blockdaemon, you can use smart contracts to enable batch deposits and reduce gas costs. This smart contract has been externally audited and is deployed on the follow networks. Please ensure that you are interacting with the below contracts when you stake:

  • Ethereum Mainnet: 0x3F124C700fb5E741F128e28985267D44f56B242F
  • Ethereum Testnet: 0x0b6E07c5EAd5596C1f26ca2F6B97050ceC853671

Follow the steps outlined below:0x3F124C700fb5E741F128e28985267D44f56B242F

Step 1: Access Staking Page

  1. Go to Staking > Stake In-App menu.
  2. Select Stake.

Step 2: Connect Your Wallet

  1. Connect your wallet based on the staking configuration.
  • If you have more than 1 Ethereum staking configuration: Select the configuration you’d like to use, then select Connect Wallet.
  • If you only have 1 Ethereum staking configuration: Select Connect Wallet.
  1. Choose your wallet from the available options to access your account and link it to the Blockdaemon app.
  1. Your wallet information and details of your Staking Configuration will be displayed at the top of the page.

Step 3: Stake ETH



  • Ensure you have enough balance to cover the gas fees.
  • Please ensure the fee recipient and withdrawal addresses are correct, as they cannot be changed after validators have launched.
  1. Specify the staking amount using the slider.
  2. Set the Fee Recipient to receive transaction fees and MEV rewards (if enabled).
    1. The default address displayed in the Fee Recipient field will be the fee recipient address you set up with your Customer Success Manager during your account setup.
    2. If you did not set up an address with your Customer Success Manager, your connected wallet address will be the default address.
  3. Set a Withdrawal Address to receive rewards and withdraw your staked ETH. Rewards include protocol, transaction fee, and MEV rewards (if enabled). The default address displayed is your connected wallet address.
  1. Click on Add Addresses to set different withdrawal addresses for each validator.


This will only appear if you choose to stake more than one validator.

  1. Click Stake to proceed.
  2. Review and confirm all the staking details.

Step 4: Confirm the Transaction

  1. Preparing the validators for deployment.
  1. Sign the transaction in your wallet.
  1. Your transaction is now broadcast and being confirmed on the network.
  1. Once the network confirms the transaction, your ETH validator(s) are deposited. You can view them in the Ethereum Staking Dashboard. It may take 1-3 days for the validators to become active and start earning rewards, depending on the protocol activation queue.

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