Cosmos Network Info
Explore in-depth insights about Cosmos.
In this section, you'll find key specifics related to Cosmos, including staking, bonding, slashing risk, rewards distribution, and more:
Parameters | Cosmos |
Minimum Staking Amount | 1 ATOM. |
Bonding Time | There are no fixed or standardized bonding periods for Cosmos. |
Unboding Time | 21 days. |
Slashing Risk | Downtime occurs when a validator is offline and does not participate in block commitments by signing less than 5% of blocks out of 10,000 consecutive blocks. Double-sign is caused by the wrong setup validator infrastructure or compromised keys. |
Staking Rewards Distribution | Validators receive rewards for each block and must request a withdrawal. ATOM rewards are proportional to validators' stakes and reflect the frequency of block-given tasks. |
Staking Rewards Compound | Cosmos staking rewards are compounded manually. |
Inflation Rate | ATOM's maximum annual inflation rate is 10% (As of Nov 25th, 2023). |
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Updated 8 days ago