Solana Network Info
Explore in-depth insights about Solana.
In this section, you'll find key specifics related to Solana, including staking, bonding, slashing risk, rewards distribution, and more:
Parameters | Solana |
Minimum Staking Amount | No minimum for SOL stakers, but the initial deposit for staking SOL varies by exchange or wallet. |
Bonding Time | One full epoch before staked SOL starts to earn rewards. |
Unbonding Time | The unbonding period is 2 - 4 days & 1 epoch. |
Slashing Risk | On Solana, slashing is not automatic. If an attacker halts the network, they can be slashed upon restart. When a validator is slashed, both the token holders and the validator suffer losses – token holders lose a portion of their delegation, and the validator's total delegation decreases. |
Staking Rewards Distribution | Solana staking rewards are paid every 2-3 days, issued in the following epoch's first block, and automatically re-delegated as an active stake. |
Staking Rewards Compound | Solana staking rewards are compounded automatically. |
Inflation Rate | The Solana inflation/emission rate will start at 8% and decrease by 15% annually until it reaches a long-term inflation of 1.5%. |
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Updated 3 months ago