Cardano Network Info

Explore in-depth insights about Cardano.

In this section, you'll find key specifics related to Cardano, including staking, bonding, slashing risk, rewards distribution, and more:

Minimum Staking AmountYou require 4 ADA for staking.
2 ADA for creating a stake key and approximately 2 ADA for covering transaction fees.
Bonding TimeNone.
Unbonding TimeNone.
Slashing RiskThere is no slashing risk for delegators.
Staking Rewards DistributionCardano staking rewards are paid approximately every 5 days. However, expect a delay of 3-4 epochs before earning rewards when selecting a staking pool.

If staking via an exchange, rewards depend on the exchange's schedule.
Staking Rewards CompoundCardano staking rewards are compounded automatically.
Inflation RateThe Cardano inflation rate is approximately 7% per year, leading up to a maximum supply of 45 billion ADA. However, it may vary depending on factors such as staking rewards, and the total amount of ADA staked in the network.

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