Vara Protocol Info

Explore in-depth insights about Vara.

In this section, you'll find key specifics related to Vara, including staking, bonding, slashing risk, rewards distribution, and more:

Minimum Staking AmountUsers can start staking with a minimum of 1 VARA.
Bonding Time7 days.
Unboding Time7 days.
Slashing RiskValidators may face slashing if they violate the network's rules or engage in malicious activities. Such as double signing, late/missing block production, downtime, collusion, or other misconduct.
Staking Rewards DistributionRewards are distributed among all validators, and the amount is determined by their accumulated era points. The reward distribution is unaffected by the number of tokens staked behind a validator.
Staking Rewards CompoundVara staking rewards are compounded automatically.
Inflation RateThe maximum inflation rate is 6.00%.

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