Unified Confirmed Transaction

This event is sent when:

  • A new transaction is mined.
  • A customer has a rule with the address variable type and the variable contains the address of the transaction as its value. The address could be the sender or the recipient of any transfers during the transaction.


  "data": {
    "block_number": "integer",
    "block_hash": "string",
    "tx_id": "string",
    "tx_hash": "string",
    "timestamp": "integer",
    "status": "string",
    "transfers": [
    "multi_sig_transfers": [
    "fee": {}

The table below shows the schema breakdown:

block_hashstring(Required) The block hash.
block_numberinteger(Required) The block number.
timestampinteger(Required) The UNIX timestamp when the block was mined/validated.
tx_idstring(Required) The transaction identifier, such as the transaction hash or other unique identifier.
tx_hashstringThe transaction hash. This only applies to Bitcoin, where transactions have an ID and a hash that might not always be the same value.
statusstring(Required) The transaction status when available. The default status for successful transactions is success and failed for failed transactions.
transfersarray of transfersAn array of transfers took place during the transaction.

See the Transfer schema for reference.
multi_sig_transfersarray of transfersApplies to DOGE and LTC only. Contains transfers requiring multiple signatures.

See the Multi Transfer schema for reference.
feeobjectThe fee paid for this transaction. The default value is Transfer, but some protocols like Ethereum use their object to represent the fee.

See the EVMFee schema for reference.

Each protocol can use its fee object to denote the fee paid for a transaction. See below for more details:

1. Transfer Schema

Represents transfers of assets.

  • bitcoin/mainnet
  • bitcoin/testnet
  • ethereum/mainnet
  • ethereum/holesky
  • polkadot/mainnet
  • polkadot/westend

The table below shows the schema breakdown:

assetstringThe asset type of the balance.

- For native tokens like Ethereum, the asset will be set to "native".
- For non-native tokens will have their denomination.
valueintegerThe value transferred. The value is in the lowest denomination of the asset.

For example:

- For ETH, the value is in wei.
- For BTC, the value is in satoshi.
fromstringThe sender's account address.
tostringThe recipient's account address.
event_namestringA protocol-specific name for the transfer (if applicable). This field can provide more information on the type of transfer.

For example, Bitcoin will set this to vin for inputs and vout for outputs.

Bitcoin Example

    "protocol": "bitcoin",
    "network": "mainnet",
    "event_type": "unified_confirmed_tx",
    "chain_id": "bip122:000000000019d6689c085ae165831e93",
    "data": {
        "block_number": 831386,
        "block_hash": "0000000000000000000157bdde026859b310ba79f905f1514f022d1dd6129a00",
        "tx_id": "77d80eb55bc1e99db7617c5b508452306e7049a54e7ec398a25a293339077763",
        "tx_hash": "8dc10b4e32f1d0900e8786cd81875190533c2dc4310a360116409e26a700f19e",
        "timestamp": 1233321795,
        "status": "success",
        "transfers": [
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "bc1qm34lsc65zpw79lxes69zkqmk6ee3ewf0j77s3h",
                "value": 22349655,
                "event_name": "vin"
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "bc1qu3aazsa92k2ws4mu5yzym0gwvdxvdqjmznmjgz",
                "value": 582900,
                "event_name": "vout"
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "bc1qm34lsc65zpw79lxes69zkqmk6ee3ewf0j77s3h",
                "value": 4215594,
                "event_name": "vout"
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "bc1qmwjjeestzkl260sf0zaxcylrjh3krjxmcatst7",
                "value": 1376000,
                "event_name": "vout"
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "bc1qpm3ptrup3lme3dqj30zq3sy54mxuwgta8r5f99",
                "value": 174060,
                "event_name": "vout"
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "bc1qagfwr2yl47ja4gmcu8yqqwx7cppmspdh3tjjaj",
                "value": 589630,
                "event_name": "vout"
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "bc1qgzyta95e4tjkks900j3nzydp732ya6r8z4quv3",
                "value": 7680000,
                "event_name": "vout"
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "bc1qzvkgdx0uma7dkcu4uull5sufm2lnmqf4dgyylf",
                "value": 407180,
                "event_name": "vout"
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "bc1qp6qe3c7sgr9tzx6vjpjjln9hnanlsmxduazgwl",
                "value": 374100,
                "event_name": "vout"
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "bc1pf687nsnhxkynfzs2yt0ertedpjnj6enuqgufyc8qfymcgl8fzn5qdxvg0y",
                "value": 980000,
                "event_name": "vout"
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "bc1qlv7kt6x44xp3xqsyx9896mr68sfs6zvq9ctq70",
                "value": 1939139,
                "event_name": "vout"
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "3GWcpDTJshR9jq9uBufz3ka42pZHgZKe6v",
                "value": 1080000,
                "event_name": "vout"
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "bc1qxrzs7r49zhg6nhpxntzl0u4en2svksw4ynfp8h",
                "value": 497411,
                "event_name": "vout"
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "bc1qzxcunle4hems53uehszlq84fn5cm6ejekd7f0e",
                "value": 2288371,
                "event_name": "vout"
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "bc1qjc0cejltt57te78akwsc5ckuz250czp20r8y52",
                "value": 77420,
                "event_name": "vout"
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "bc1qe8l0s5ktdhpnys388xtt5vd0em8j38h7ktse4q",
                "value": 60000,
                "event_name": "vout"
        "fee": {
            "value": 27850

Bitcoin Cash Example



Bitcoin Cash (BCH) address events use the Cash Address format with the " bitcoincash: prefix". To convert between formats, you can use this Cash Address Converter.

    "protocol": "bitcoincash",
    "network": "mainnet",
    "event_type": "unified_confirmed_tx",
    "chain_id": "bip122:000000000000000000651ef99cb9fcbe",
    "data": {
        "block_number": 865753,
        "block_hash": "000000000000000000a4f070c9f055a00b775657e3a21dc3bdc42438c1ad6c51",
        "tx_id": "fabf43c596810f75c68f908c6934751ea1bd66cf93460bedd0ce3c4c1260c04e",
        "tx_hash": "fabf43c596810f75c68f908c6934751ea1bd66cf93460bedd0ce3c4c1260c04e",
        "timestamp": 1727725093,
        "status": "success",
        "transfers": [
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "bitcoincash:qp028nlln35nwnv5a9dssw9w57z5n765rgenr3suw6",
                "value": 38361552,
                "event_name": "vin"
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "bitcoincash:qpjpryl2ksq4rwwu00n59wsjc5wksfz4a5su5tud89",
                "value": 3169300,
                "event_name": "vout"
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "bitcoincash:qp028nlln35nwnv5a9dssw9w57z5n765rgenr3suw6",
                "value": 35192026,
                "event_name": "vout"
        "fee": {
            "asset": "native",
            "value": 226

USDT Example



ERC20 token webhooks events use confirmed_tx_log instead of confirmed_tx.

  "protocol": "ethereum",
  "network": "mainnet",
  "event_type": "unified_confirmed_tx_log",
  "chain_id": "eip155:1",
  "data": {
    "block_number": 19639919,
    "block_hash": "0x3160a4d48293477f4b1b156700efb626a34373953f43220f68cba7c97a983e0f",
    "tx_id": "0xdd984b4e5e06cf9bccda14f216cf9c546d7ac7468650f5207d07fc03682525a2",
    "tx_hash": "0xdd984b4e5e06cf9bccda14f216cf9c546d7ac7468650f5207d07fc03682525a2",
    "timestamp": 1712929631,
    "status": "success",
    "transfers": [
        "asset": "0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7",
        "from": "0x8b7b59Ee336c076cd85bC43cD402B5b0526a69e4",
        "to": "0xf89d7b9c864f589bbF53a82105107622B35EaA40",
        "value": 2500000000

2. EVMFee Schema

Represents fees on EVM-based chains.

  • ethereum/mainnet
  • ethereum/holesky
  • optimism/mainnet
  • polygon/mainnet
  • polygon/amoy

The table below shows the schema breakdown:

gas_usedintegerThe amount of gas used for the transaction.
gas_priceintegerThe gas price.
gas_limitintegerThe gas limit.
valueintegerThe fee value. The value is in the lowest denomination of the asset.

For example:

- For ETH, the value is in wei.
- For BTC, the value is in satoshi.
max_fee_per_gasintegerThe maximum fee per gas set for this transaction.
max_priority_fee_per_gasintegerThe maximum priority fee per gas set for this transaction.

Ethereum Example

    "protocol": "ethereum",
    "network": "mainnet",
    "event_type": "unified_confirmed_tx",
    "data": {
        "block_number": 19162260,
        "block_hash": "0xc678db39a15056113499816d38820477397ebe68b949eaf986e2db36ca0aeb75",
        "tx_id": "0xbc0d1ed22d11cec0f274f2033d5df4166debbdf0396513842c0717e5a70d72ae",
        "timestamp": 1707138395,
        "status": "success",
        "transfers": [
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "0x3A024581D57D017453a67CF961771829B7F608F8",
                "to": "0x50E9198221E96b5aBF61159d892837587721549D",
                "value": 7000000000000000
        "fee": {
            "gas_used": 21000,
            "gas_price": 14528344136,
            "gas_limit": 21000,
            "value": 305095226856000,
            "max_fee_per_gas": 15000000000,
            "max_priority_fee_per_gas": 1

Optimism Example

    "protocol": "optimism",
    "network": "mainnet",
    "event_type": "unified_confirmed_tx",
    "chain_id": "eip155:1",
    "data": {
        "block_number": 126441614,
        "block_hash": "0x8ec67a7b960389dda7a8be49066ed72a8468e49d7ae0c8bbbb0ac61788a1d82d",
        "tx_id": "0x0362ab493db498d244e83d89249bf93c2945f21d86aaa43fab57db60cceb88bd",
        "timestamp": 1728482005,
        "status": "success",
        "transfers": [
                "asset": "native",
                "from": "0xacD03D601e5bB1B275Bb94076fF46ED9D753435A",
                "to": "0x94b008aA00579c1307B0EF2c499aD98a8ce58e58",
                "value": 0
        "fee": {
            "gas_used": 51838,
            "gas_price": 2415506,
            "gas_limit": 52232,
            "value": 125215000028,
            "max_fee_per_gas": 309914500,
            "max_priority_fee_per_gas": 309915

3. Multi Transfer Schema

Represents multiple transfers that require signatures.

  • dogecoin/mainnet
  • litecoin/mainnet

The table below shows the schema breakdown:

assetstringThe asset type of the balance.

- For native tokens like Ethereum, the asset will be set to "native".
- For non-native tokens will have their denomination.
fromarray of stringsThe sender's account address.
valueintegerThe value transferred. The value is in the lowest denomination of the asset.
event_namestringA protocol-specific name for the transfer (if applicable). This field can provide more information on the type of transfer.

Dogecoin Example

This example also applies to Litecoin (LTC).



DOGE & LTC use the multi_sig_transfers property with an array in the from field to include transfers that require multiple signatures.

  "event_type": "unified_confirmed_tx",
  "protocol": "dogecoin",
  "network": "mainnet",
  "chain_id": "bip122:1a91e3dace36e2be3bf030a65679fe82",
  "data": {
    "block_number": 5365974,
    "block_hash": "a5f8021d1a92710abab7c59b8346748843876abcb21366aac5245313b68f7920",
    "tx_id": "d7a5629397ab980b6c542ff6f3536cf72fdeb1551bab6952bc1a0399b22b37d9",
    "tx_hash": "d7a5629397ab980b6c542ff6f3536cf72fdeb1551bab6952bc1a0399b22b37d9",
    "timestamp": 1725553175,
    "status": "success",
    "transfers": [
        "asset": "native",
        "from": "DHduiEL2zcf6Xi7QirCdwBnaZqapdMwugr",
        "value": 197459530046,
        "event_name": "vin"
    "multi_sig_transfers": [
        "asset": "native",
        "from": [
        "value": 973612900000,
        "event_name": "vout"
    "fee": {
      "asset": "native",
      "value": 27850

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