Solana API Overview

Learn all about Blockdaemon Solana Staking API.

The Solana Staking API provides an end-to-end staking solution that eliminates the need for running Solana clients or nodes. Transaction signing is the only requirement, introducing minimal additional dependencies to your technology stack. Our API simplifies all Solana network staking operations, managing Solana nonce account creation, funding, and termination. Unlike typical transactions requiring immediate broadcasting, our API removes time constraints, ensuring more secure execution of staking operations using multi-sig wallets.

For incremental staking in Solana, creating multiple stake accounts is involved. We streamline deactivation and withdrawal by allowing you to specify the desired withdrawal amount. Our API automatically generates necessary deactivation and splitting operations across your staking accounts. Our advanced bookkeeping and transaction lifecycle tracking prevent conflicts within your organization's sub-teams during ongoing deactivation and withdrawal operations.

Supported Networks

The Staking API supports the following Solana networks:

  • Mainnet
  • Devnet
  • Testnet

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