How to Use The Ethereum Staking API

Typical user journeys using the Staking API for Ethereum

Setting Up and Account

As you create your Staking API account, you'll provide an Ethereum address as the fee recipient and withdrawal address for all created validators.

Additional preferences, such as MEV provider choice, data center selection for where the Ethereum nodes will run, and pool size of pre-provisioned validators may also be specified.

How to Stake ETH

Staking your funds by creating validators is initiated through the Post Stake Intent endpoint.

The endpoint returns an unsigned transaction requiring you to sign and broadcast it to the network by the account providing the funds for staking. Utilizing the Blockdaemon Batch Deposit contract, a single transaction can create multiple Ethereum validators, achieving significant gas cost savings.

How to Obtain a Launchpad Deposit File (Optional)

If you prefer to execute deposits through the official Ethereum Launchpad website or direct interaction with the validator deposit smart contract, you can obtain a standard Launchpad deposit data file using the Generate an Ethereum Launchpad Deposit File endpoint.

Note: Using a Launchpad deposit file requires you to sign and broadcast a separate deposit transaction for each validator created. This approach is less convenient and more costly compared to the Blockdaemon batch deposit contract.

How Rewards Accrue

Revenue from validation, transaction fees, and MEV commission is automatically and continuously transferred to your specified withdrawal address, eliminating the need for user intervention.

If desired, Blockdaemon can notify you when sufficient funds have accumulated to create additional Ethereum validators to help you achieve the most efficient auto-compounding for your staking investment.

How to Withdraw Your Funds by Exiting Validators

Utilize the Exit Ethereum Validator endpoint to generate and broadcast the exit transaction to the network.

The Generate a Signed Voluntary Exit Message endpoint generates the exit transaction but does not broadcast it to the network. Instead, the signed exit transaction is returned as part of the response.

Example Code

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