JUMP TOWelcomeHomepageIntroductionBlockdaemon APIsSupported ProtocolsCompute UnitsHistorical DataPaginationError HandlingStaking APIOverviewGet StartedHTTP Message SignaturesStaking SDKGeneralList of customer's staking plansgetList Your Stake IntentsgetAvalancheAvalanche API QuickstartPost Stake IntentpostBinanceBNB API QuickstartPost Stake IntentpostPost Deactivation IntentpostLists Deactivation IntentsgetGet Deactivatable AmountgetPost restake IntentpostLists Restake IntentsgetCardanoCardano API QuickstartPost Stake IntentpostPost Deactivation IntentpostList Deactivation IntentsgetPost Rewards Withdrawal IntentpostList Rewards Withdrawal IntentsgetBroadcast TransactionpostCosmosCosmos API QuickstartPost Stake IntentpostPost Deactivation IntentpostLists Deactivation IntentsgetPost Rewards Withdrawal IntentpostGet Deactivatable AmountgetGet Withdrawable Rewards AmountgetPost restake IntentpostLists Restake IntentsgetEthereumEthereum API QuickstartSecurity Audit CertificateValidator Batches - Gas UsagePost Stake IntentpostExit Ethereum ValidatorpostExit Ethereum ValidatorspostList of Ethereum voluntary exitsgetGenerate a Signed Voluntary Exit MessagegetGenerate an Ethereum Launchpad Deposit FilepostEstimate Ethereum validators progress in the pending-queued queuepostNEARNEAR API QuickstartPost Stake IntentpostPost Deactivation IntentpostList Deactivation IntentsgetCancel Deactivation IntentputGet Deactivatable AmountgetPost Withdrawal IntentpostList Withdrawal IntentsgetGet Withdrawable AmountgetPolkadotPolkadot API QuickstartPost Stake IntentpostPost Deactivation IntentpostPost Withdrawal IntentpostPolygonPolygon API QuickstartPost Bootstrapping IntentpostPost Stake IntentpostPost Deactivation IntentpostLists Deactivation IntentsgetCancel Deactivation IntentputPost Withdrawal IntentpostPost Rewards Restake IntentpostPost Rewards Withdrawal IntentpostSolanaSolana API QuickstartPost Stake IntentpostPost Deactivation IntentpostList Deactivation IntentsgetCancel Deactivation IntentputGet Deactivatable AmountgetPost Withdrawal IntentpostList Withdrawal IntentsgetCancel Withdrawal IntentputGet Withdrawable AmountgetGet Stake AccountsgetStaking Reporting APIOverviewGet StartedCardano Staking ReportingCardano Reporting API OverviewGet the Stake and Rewards of a PoolgetGet the Stake and Rewards for Multiple PoolspostGet the Stake and Rewards of a DelegatorgetGet the Stake and Rewards for Multiple DelegatorspostGet the Historical Stake and Rewards of a PoolpostGet the Historical Stake and Rewards for Multiple PoolspostGet the Historical Stake and Rewards of a DelegatorpostGet the Historical Stake and Rewards for Multiple DelegatorspostEthereum Staking ReportingEthereum Reporting API OverviewGet the Protocol Rewards Processing HealthgetGet a Stream of RewardspostGet a Stream of Rewards for a Single AddressgetGet a Stream of Validator StatusespostGet Validator Status for an AddressgetNEAR Staking ReportingNEAR Reporting API OverviewGet the Protocol Rewards Processing HealthgetGet a Stream of RewardspostGet a Stream of Rewards for a Single AddressgetGet a Stream of StatusespostGet Status for an AddressgetPolkadot Staking ReportingPolkadot Reporting API OverviewGet the Status of a NominatorgetGet a List of Statuses for Multiple NominatorspostGet the Stake & Rewards of a NominatorgetGet a List of Stake & Rewards for Multiple NominatorspostGet the Historical Stake & Rewards of a NominatorpostGet a List of Historical Stake & Rewards for Multiple NominatorspostVerify the Staking Activity of a NominatorgetVerify the Staking Activity of Multiple NominatorspostGet the Status of a ValidatorgetGet the Status of Multiple ValidatorspostGet the Stake & Rewards of a ValidatorgetGet a List of Stake & Rewards for Multiple ValidatorspostGet the Historical Stake & Rewards of a ValidatorpostGet a List of Historical Stake & Rewards for Multiple ValidatorspostVerify the Staking Activity of a ValidatorgetVerify the Staking Activity of Multiple ValidatorspostPolygon Staking ReportingPolygon Reporting API OverviewGet the Protocol Rewards Processing HealthgetGet a Stream of RewardspostGet a Stream of Rewards for a Single AddressgetGet a Stream of StatusespostGet Status for an AddressgetSolana Staking ReportingSolana Reporting API OverviewGet the Protocol Rewards Processing HealthgetGet a Stream of RewardspostGet a Stream of Rewards for a Single AddressgetGet a Stream of StatusespostGet Status for an AddressgetBlockdaemon REST APIOverviewSupported ProtocolsAvailable Currencies and TokensCompute UnitsSDKsGet StartedProtocol and Endpoint SupportGet the Protocols OverviewgetGet the Protocol InfogetBalances & UTXOGet a List of Balances for an AddressgetGet a List of Balances for Multiple AdressespostGet a Financial Report for an Address Between a Time PeriodgetBlocksGet the Current Block NumbergetGet the Current Block HashgetGet a Block by Number or HashgetGet a Block Identifier by Number of HashgetGet a List of Block IdentifiersgetFee estimatorGet the Fee EstimationgetTransactionsIntroductionGet the Supported Protocol InfogetGet a TransactiongetGet a List of TransactionsgetGet a List of Transactions for a Given AddressgetGet a Transaction Output by Hash and IndexgetGet a List of Transaction Inputs and OutputsgetGet the Transaction ConfirmationsgetCreate an Unsigned TransactionpostDerive a Signing PayloadpostCreate an Unsigned Token Transfer TransactionpostCompile an Unsigned TransactionpostCompile and Broadcast an Unsigned TransactionpostSubmit a Signed TransactionpostVerify a TransactionpostDecode a transactionpostGet the Fee EstimationpostChain WatchEvents IntroductionWebhook Target ReferenceVerification ProcessValidate Message OriginWebhook HandlingWebhook DebuggingWebhook Verification ChallengegetReceives Webhook MessagespostEvents Unified FormatUnified BlockUnified ReorgUnified Confirmed BalanceUnified Confirmed TransactionUnified Confirmed Transaction TraceUnified Confirmed Transaction LogUnified Staking RewardUnified Staking StatusToken PriceToken Price IntroductionGet ChainsgetGet TokensgetGet Token Pricepostblockdaemon RPC APIOverviewGet StartedSupported RPC ProtocolsCompute UnitsAlgorand Compute UnitsAptos Compute UnitsArbitrum One Compute UnitsAvalanche Compute UnitsBase Compute UnitsBitcoin Compute UnitsCosmos Compute UnitsCronos Compute UnitsEthereum Compute UnitsEthereum Beacon Compute UnitsFantom Compute UnitsNEAR Compute UnitsOptimism Compute UnitsPolygon Compute UnitsPolkadot Compute UnitsSolana Compute UnitsStellar Compute UnitsStellar Soroban Compute UnitsSubstrate Compute UnitsSubstrate Sidecar Rest Compute UnitsTezos Compute UnitsXRP Compute UnitsAlgorandHow to Access Algorand APIHow to Access Algorand via Indexer APISupported Algo MethodsSupported Indexer MethodsAptosHow to Access Aptos APISupported Aptos MethodsArbitrum OneHow to Access Arbitrum OneSupported Arbitrum One MethodsAvalancheHow to Access Avalanche APISupported Avalanche MethodsBaseHow to Access Base APISupported Base MethodsBitcoinHow to Access Bitcoin APISupported Bitcoin MethodsSupported Bitcoin Custom MethodsBitcoin CashHow to Access Bitcoin Cash APISupported Bitcoin Cash MethodsCeloHow to Access Celo APISupported Celo MethodsCosmosHow to Access Cosmos REST APIHow to Access Cosmos via Tendermint RPC APIHow to Access Cosmos via Tendermint REST APISupported Cosmos REST MethodsSupported Tendermint MethodsCronosHow to Access Cronos via Ethereum APIHow to Access Cronos via Tendermint RPC APIHow to Access Cronos via Tendermint REST APISupported Cronos MethodsSupported Tendermint MethodsDogecoinHow to Access Dogecoin APISupported Dogecoin MethodsEthereumHow to Access Ethereum APISupported Ethereum MethodsSupported Ethereum Custom MethodsHow to Access Ethereum Beacon APISupported Ethereum Beacon API MethodsFantomHow to Access Fantom APISupported Fantom MethodsKusamaHow to Access Kusama via Substrate RPC APIHow to Access Kusama via Substrate Sidecar APISupported Substrate RPC Methods - KusamaSupported Substrate Sidecar MethodsLitecoinHow to Access Litecoin APISupported Litecoin MethodsNEARHow to Access NEAR APISupported NEAR MethodsOptimismHow to Access Optimism APISupported Optimism MethodsPolkadotHow to Access Polkadot via Substrate RPC APIHow to Access Polkadot via Substrate Sidecar APISupported Substrate RPC Methods - PolkadotSupported Substrate Sidecar MethodsPolygonHow to Access Polygon via Ethereum APIHow to Access Polygon via Tendermint RPC APIHow to Access Polygon via Tendermint REST APISupported Polygon MethodsSupported Polygon Tendermint MethodsSolanaHow to Access Solana APISupported Solana MethodsStellarHow to Access Stellar APISupported Stellar MethodsStellar SorobanHow To Access Soroban APISupported Soroban MethodsTezosHow to Access Tezos APISupported Tezos MethodsTronHow to Access Tron APIHow to Access Full Node HTTP Tron APIHow to Access Solidity Full Node Tron APISupported JSON RPC MethodsSupported Full Node HTTP MethodsSupported Solidity MethodsXRPHow to Access XRP APISupported XRP MethodsDeFi APIDEFI API OverviewAuthenticationSDKsDEFI API EndpointsApprovalsModify an ERC20 token approvalpostDelete an ERC20 token approvaldeleteGet a list of ERC20 token approvalsgetGet supported chains for token approvalsgetChainsGet supported blockchain networks with metadatagetExchangeGet a list of routes for swapping assetsgetGet swap statusgetTokensGet list of supported tokens with metadatagetGet list of token tagsgetBalancesGet token balances and market data for an accountgetGet supported chains for token balance queriesgetTransactionsGet transaction history for an accountgetTokenization APIOverviewGet StartedSupported Protocols and NetworksCheck Transfer RestrictionpostList Withdrawal Intentsget https://svc.blockdaemon.com/boss/v1/solana/{network}/withdrawal-intentsRetrieve a list of all outstanding withdrawal intents