Get Started

It's easy to use the Blockdaemon Staking Reporting REST API. Follow the steps in this page to get started.

The Blockdaemon Staking Reporting API provides developers access to various staking information across blockchain protocols. The API lets you access data, including validator status, rewards, and activity.

Follow the steps below to get started with the Staking API for free today.

Step 1. Sign Up for an API Key

To use the Blockdaemon Staking API, you must sign up for an API key. To do this, visit the Blockdaemon website and create an account.

Once you have an account, you can access your API key from the dashboard.

Get Your Free API Key!

Enjoy Rapid and Scalable Multichain Access!

Step 2. Get Familiar with API Endpoints

The Blockdaemon Staking API provides a variety of endpoints for different types of interactions with blockchain networks.

You can learn more about it and find a full list of endpoints in the Staking Reporting API Documentation. Endpoints are used to interact with the blockchain network, such as sending transactions or retrieving data.

Step 3. Test the API

You can test the API by sending a simple API request to the endpoint of your choice. For example, you can send a GET request to retrieve a validator status. The API will return the requested data in JSON format.

An easy way to test the Staking Reporting API is to make a simple Get the Status of a Validator request on the Ethereum network.



You can use this validator in your request: 0x86adfc13bdea31694d6ca9af586aeb58abab13fe2fefaee6f1b310d4eed9fa89b56c68ea48095fc33945ad53b7cb6e09

Option 1: Use the API Reference Docs

We recommend trying the GET the Status of a Validator in the API reference docs.

Use this endpoint to get a list of supported protocols and networks.



You need to generate an API Key before using the interactive features within the API reference docs

Option 2: Use Your Preferred API Platform

Alternatively, you can use an API platform such as Postman.

Use the following endpoint to get a list of multiple validators.

Step 4. Integrate the API Into Your Application

Once you have tested the API and are familiar with its endpoints, you can integrate it into your application to rapidly access multi-chain staking data.

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