🚩 Learn how to handle some common errors you may encounter.
Response Codes
We use conventional HTTP status codes in the response. In general, the status codes in the range 2xx indicate success, those in the range 4xx indicate failure, and codes in the range 5xx indicate a server error. Check the table below for more details:
Status Code | Description |
200 - ✅ Success | The request was successful. |
400 - ❌ Bad Request | The request was invalid or malformed. |
401 - ❌ Unauthorized | Authentication is required, and the request lacks valid credentials. |
403 - ❌ Forbidden | The request is understood, but it has been refused, or access is not allowed. |
404 - ❌ Not Found | The requested resource was not found. |
422 - ❌ Unprocessable Entity | The API has failed to process the request. |
429 - ❌ Too Many Requests | You have reached the rate limit of the API. |
500 - ❌ Internal Server Error | It's not you; it's us. Our server had an error, and we could not fulfill the request. |
503 - ❌ Service Unavailable | The service you are trying to access is currently unavailable. |
Error Troubleshoots
Encountering an error when using Blockdaemon APIs can be frustrating, but here are some recommendations for handling errors to help you troubleshoot:
400 - Bad Request
💣 Cause: There was an issue with your request. The error may be due to the information you provided or the structure of the request.
🛠 Solution: Review your entered information and ensure it conforms to the expected format. If you are unsure about the format, check our API Reference or contact us for further assistance.
401 - Unauthorized
💣 Cause: This error occurs when you do not have valid credentials to access the requested resource.
🛠 Solution: With your request, provide valid credentials, such as an API key or access token.
403 - Forbidden
💣 Cause: This error occurs when you do not have permission to access the requested resource.
🛠 Solution: Check for the necessary resource access permissions. Contact us for assistance if you believe you should have access but cannot access it.
404 - Not Found
💣 Cause: The requested resource could not be found.
🛠 Solution: Check that the resource exists and that you use the correct URL to access it. If you are unsure about the correct URL, check our API Reference.
405 - Method Not Allowed
💣 Cause: The server received a request method unsupported for the targeted resource. This error typically occurs when you try to use an HTTP method that is not allowed for the specific endpoint or resource you are accessing.
🛠 Solution: Ensure you use the correct HTTP method. Review our API documentation for information on the supported methods for the specific resource. Double-check that your request is formatted correctly and includes all the necessary parameters. If the issue persists, reach out to us for further assistance.
422 - Unprocessable Entity
💣 Cause: It means that the request was well-formed, but it could not be processed due to semantic errors.
🛠 Solution: Review the requested data and ensure it is semantically correct. If you are unsure about the semantics of the request data, recheck our API Reference.
429 - Too Many Requests
💣 Cause: This can happen if you make too many requests within a given period or send requests too frequently.
🛠 Solution: Try again after a few seconds. It is better to reduce the frequency of the requests.
500 - Internal Server Error
💣 Cause: This error indicates an error on the server, and the API could not fulfill the request.
🛠 Solution: You can retry later, or please contact our support if you keep getting this error.
503 - Service Unavailable
💣 Cause: This status code indicates that the server cannot handle the request due to temporary overload or maintenance.
🛠 Solution: You should wait and retry later. If the issue persists, contact us to report the issue and request assistance.
👋 Need Help?
Contact us through email or our support page for any issues, bugs, or assistance you may need.