How to Use The Polkadot Staking API

Typical user journeys with the Polkadot Staking API

The below-mentioned Polkadot Staking API endpoints allow you to create your staking, deactivation, and withdrawal intents, as well as retrieve previously created intents for review:

1. How to Stake

Initiate Polkadot staking via the Post Stake Intent endpoint.

This returns an unsigned transaction, requiring signing and broadcasting to the network by the account that delegates funds to the specified validator in the request.This will allow Blockdaemon to nominate on behalf of the customer and continuously optimize the customer account nominations for the best possible rewards.

2. How to Request Deactivation of Staking Intent

Returns an unsigned transaction to deactivate a certain amount of stake using the Post Deactivation Intent endpoint. The transaction will remove the specified amount from the staked amount. If an amount is not specified, the default is all staked amount. This will occur when the user signs and broadcasts the transaction to the Polkadot network.

3. How to Withdrawal a Stake Intent

The Post Withdrawal Intent endpoint returns an unsigned transaction to move the free (currently not staked) amount of DOT in the "staking" section of this account to its "general" section. The withdrawal will occur when the user signs and broadcasts the transaction to the Polkadot network.

Example Code

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