Post Deactivation Intent

Returns an unsigned transaction to deactivate a certain amount of stake.

The transaction will remove the specified amount from the staked amount. If an amount is not specified, the default is all staked amount. This will take place as soon as the user signs and broadcasts the transaction to the Polkadot network.

Please note that this amount will remain in the "staking" section of the account - it can be staked elsewhere, but cannot be transferred freely to another account. To move it to the "general" section of the account, the user will need to also create an withdrawal request.

If the amount is all of the stake controlled by this customer account ("full deactivation"), the transaction will also disconnect the Blockdaemon proxy account from this customer account. Please note that in this case all existing nominations of the customer account will remain active. Blockdaemon will immediately cease the further management of nominations even if the deactivation transaction is not broadcasted by the user to the network.

Full deactivation example (for the Westend network): - Submitted:
- customer_address: 5CF33r36TUbcSz4KxXo5ApzAW9Dtf8EkfvTQppiEEd9HfAZ6
- amount: (not specified)

  • Returned:
    • proxy_address: 5FEPMjDLQd4Yyf8Dg7WSNVWSU36T1rXCcq1ph6HkW1YpNs5e
    • unsigned_transaction: 0xd00410020c0606060202286bee1602008c16e19e94328985d65cb7e3245213892730dd0e841f6511478cb12f23a178330100000000

If the amount is less than all of the stake controlled by this customer account ("partial nomination"), this amount will be deactivated, but the Blockdaemon proxy account will not be disconnected from the customer account, and will continue to manage its nominations.

Partial deactivation example (for the Westend network): - Submitted:
- customer_address: 5CF33r36TUbcSz4KxXo5ApzAW9Dtf8EkfvTQppiEEd9HfAZ6
- amount: 1,000,000,000

  • Returned:
    • proxy_address: 5FEPMjDLQd4Yyf8Dg7WSNVWSU36T1rXCcq1ph6HkW1YpNs5e
    • unsigned_transaction: 0x30041002080606060202286bee