How to Get All Collections Sorted by Name

Follow this tutorial to learn how to get all collections sorted by name.

This tutorial explains the steps involved in getting a list of all the collections in the Ethereum Mainnet network and sorting it by name in the reverse alphabetical order (Z–A).

Step 1. Use the collections endpoint with the following details:

  • protocol: ethereum

  • network: mainnet

Step 2.Add the following parameters:

  • field to sort by

    • parameter: sort_by
    • value: name
  • sort order

    • parameter: order
    • value: desc

Step 3. Execute the query.

For example, in cURL, you should run the following code:

curl -X GET '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'



To authorize your request, you need to get an API key and use it as a bearer token or a query parameter. Learn more: Authentication Guide

Step 4. Your results will look something like this:

    "data": [
            "id": "4203aedd-7964-5fe1-b932-eb8c4fda7822",
            "name": "Bored Ape Yacht Club",
            "logo": "collection/4203aedd-7964-5fe1-b932-eb8c4fda7822/logo.png",
            "contracts": [
            "verified": true
        {...more collections...}
    "meta": {
        "paging": {
            "next_page_token": ""

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