Stake DYM with Blockdaemon via Keplr

A step-by-step guide on how to stake DYM via Keplr with Blockdaemon validator.

Dimension (DYM) is a modular blockchain platform that facilitates the development and deployment of application-specific Layer 2 rollups called RollApps. This guide will walk you through the process of staking DYM tokens with the Blockdaemon validator using Keplr wallets.

Step 1: Open Keplr Dashboard

  1. Open your Keplr browser extension and select the Staked option.
  2. Select Stake with Keplr Dashboard. This will open the Keplr dashboard in a new browser page.

Step 2: Select Network and Validator

  1. In the Keplr dashboard, select the Dymension network.
  1. Select Blockdaemon as the validator of your choice.

Step 3: Stake DYM

  1. On the next tab, specify the amount to stake.



Please ensure you have enough DYM tokens to cover transaction fees.

  1. Click Stake to proceed.

Step 4: Confirm Transaction

  1. A pop-up from your wallet will appear, select Approve to confirm the transaction.
  2. Once you’ve confirmed, you will see a Transaction is in progress notification in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Wait for a moment. You will see a notification saying Transaction successful.
  4. You can view the list of your validators, your DYM balance, and your staked balance on the Staking tab in the dashboard. Furthermore, you can manage your staking with more options, such as claiming rewards, unstaking, redelegating, or staking additional tokens.

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