The Sepior TDSA service is an implementation of a server-side TDSA participant that can run multiple, concurrent sessions with multiple clients.
Getting Started
The tdsa-service docker image can be downloaded from the Sepior docker repository. Just type:
docker pull
You will need credentials for the Sepior Nexus server.
Once the TDSA service is running, API documentation is available at the following URL:
http://<hostname>:<api port>/docs
The TDSA service listens on three separate TCP ports.
Protocol Port
This port is used by the MPC protocols and must be exposed to the other participants (both client and other servers). The protocol used is HTTP or HTTPS. HTTPS is recommended, but not required. You will need to provide your own certificate.
API Port
The service on this port accepts key management-related requests such as key registration, key share generation, presignature generation, etc. This mirrors the operations in the TDSA library. Access to this port must be restricted and communication should preferably be done using HTTPS.
Administration Port
This port is used for health checks and for extracting metrics from both the TDSA service and the underlying TDSA library. This port should only be accessible by the operations team, load balancer etc.
Service Startup
The Sepior TDSA service is delivered as a Docker image. Configuration is done via a configuration file which can be passed to the container in two ways:
- Base64 encodes the contents of the configuration file and passes it to the container in the environment variable TDSA_CONFIG.
- If the environment variable above is not set or empty the TDSA service will look for the files /config/config.yml and /config/config.yaml. In other words, you will have to mount a folder containing config.yaml or config.yml on /config.
Database Tables
When the service starts up it will try to create the required database tables. If the database user is not allowed to create tables, one will need to create them first and then disable table creation at startup (see the service configuration section).
To create tables manually one needs to set four environment variables DB_DRIVER_CLASS, DB_URL, DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD, and then start the Docker container with the command create-tables or create-tables-no-startup. The former command will attempt to create database tables using information from the environment variables, and then continue starting the TDSA service. The latter will attempt to create the tables and exit afterwards.
docker run -e DB_DRIVER_CLASS="org.postgresql.Driver" -e DB_URL="jdbc:postgresql://" -e DB_USERNAME="myuser" -e DB_PASSWORD="mypassword" tdsa-service:latest create-tables
Service Configuration
The TDSA service is configured through a YAML configuration file. Since it was built with Dropwizard the configuration file format matches that of Dropwizard. The following configuration sections are specific to the TDSA service:
- tdsaLibrary: Configuration of the underlying TDSA library.
- tdsaServer: Configuration for the HTTP server that is specific to the TDSA service.
- vault: Configuration of an external HashiCorp Vault that can be used to store configuration values in a secure way.
Furthermore, the following standard Dropwizard configuration sections should also be configured for proper operation in a production environment:
- server: Configuration of the HTTP server.
- httpClient: Configuration of the HTTP client instance that is used to communicate with other TDSA service participants.
- logging: Configuration of logging.
- database: Configuration of the database used for key storage.
- health: Configuration of health checks.
Note that binary data in the configuration file is always url-safe base64 encoded without padding.
TDSA Library Configuration (tdsaLibrary)
This section configures the TDSA library used by the TDSA service. For more information about each configuration option, please consult the java-tdsa-lib documentation.
Name | Description |
remoteParticipants | Array of all TDSA participants. It must always have the same number of elements as there are participants in the protocol. For the client and the local participant, the array entry can be null. For the other participants, the array entry must contain an array of allowed participants for that participant index. |
participantIndex | Zero-based participant index of the local participant. |
clientIndex | Zero-based index of the client participant. If there is no client in the configuration, this can be omitted, or set to a negative value. |
participantIds | An array of identifiers is used to select which participants are used when generating a new key. If the local participant will not generate new keys, this option can be omitted. The index corresponding to the index of the client is not used and can be null. |
participantPrimaryPrivateKey | The private key is used by the local participant to perform authentication and key exchange with other participants. It must be an ASN.1 or RAW-encoded X25519 private key. This value can also be provided via the environment variable PARTICIPANT_PRIMARY_PRIVATE_KEY or the Java system property com.sepior.tdsa.participant.primary_private_key. If the vault is configured, this value supports fetching a secret from the vault. |
participantSecondaryPrivateKey | The private key is used by the local participant to generate a symmetric shared key with other participants. It must be an ASN.1 or RAW-encoded X448 private key. This value can also be provided via the environment variable PARTICIPANT_SECONDARY_PRIVATE_KEY or the Java system property com.sepior.tdsa.participant.secondary_private_key. If the vault is configured, this value supports fetching a secret from the vault. |
sessionTimeout | The maximum lifetime for each session such as key generation, pre-signature generation etc. If the session is not completed within the timeout, it is aborted. The unit is seconds. The default is 60. |
protocolExecutionThreads | The number of threads for executing protocol operations. Should normally be set to 1-2x the number of CPU cores The default is 2. |
protocolCommunicationThreads | The number of threads used for communication between participants. The default is 2. |
ersCertificates | The array of DER encoded X509 certificates used by the emergency recovery services. Each certificate must support encryption with an RSA public key. |
storageConfiguration | Configuration related to the underlying storage. See below. |
defaultPresignatureLimit | Presignature limit for newly created keys. A value of -1 means that there is no limit on the number of presignatures for newly created keys. Default is -1 |
minChainPathLength | The minimum chain path length for signing and public key operations. A setting of 0 allows use of the master key for these operations. Default is 1 |
minChainPathLengthXPub | The minimum chain path length for xpub operations. A setting of 0 allows use of the master key for xpub operations. Default is 3 |
retries | Number of times a message should be resent in case of communication error before failing. Default is 2 |
retryDelay | Time to wait (in milliseconds) between before each retry attempt. Default is 1000 |
disableReshare | Set to true if the reshare operation should be disabled. Default is false |
Each remote participant contains the following keys:
Name | Description |
id | Identifier for the participant. All participants must use the same identifiers for the same participants. The client participant does not have an identifier. |
uri | URI to the TDSA service protocol communication port. When using an HTTP/HTTPS-based scheme the following applies: If the URI contains a path component, the path will be used as an endpoint for protocol messages for this participant. If omitted the path is implicitly set to /protocol/round. Note that the path “/” is also considered a valid path and is therefore not replaced with the default value. Also, note that the TDSA service always expects protocol messages on /protocol/round. Hence changing the path only makes sense if e.g. a load balancer can pass the request to the right path on the TDSA service. |
primaryPublicKey | The primary public key of this participant. This must correspond to the primary private key used by this participant. This value can be omitted for the local participant. |
secondaryPublicKey | The secondary public key of this participant. This must correspond to the secondary private key used by this participant. This value can be omitted for the local participant. |
The storage configuration has the following keys:
Name | Description |
skipCreateTables | If set to true then the TDSA service will not attempt to create database tables at startup. The default is false. |
cacheSize | Some key data can be cached to improve performance. This option controls the size of this cache. The default is 100. |
partialSignatureTimeout | Number of seconds a partial signature is valid from it is created until the final signature is produced. If it takes longer than this value then in some cases a sign operation might fail. The default is 3600. |
encryptionKey | A symmetric encryption key is used for encrypting data before storing it in the database. This value must remain constant throughout the lifetime of the TDSA service. If this is empty then database records are not encrypted. This value can be provided via the environment variable DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_KEY or the Java system property com.sepior.tdsa.database.encryptionkey. If the vault is configured, this value supports fetching a secret from the vault. |
encryptorClass | Name of the class used for encrypting database records. If empty then a default encryptor using AES-GCM is used. |
encryptorArguments | An array of strings that are passed as arguments to the encryptorClass constructor when instantiating the class. The value DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_KEY will be replaced with the value of encryptionKey. |
- - id: participant1
uri: http://service1:9080
primaryPublicKey: MCowBQYDK2VuAyEAgx875KMt0MA6wvzfSl598V7pCF4Sv_40Xc3aBt5IiH4
secondaryPublicKey: MEIwBQYDK2VvAzkAf18tl_XyLzqoKmmi-9Q1BqNFWmi-yQKRgdFQ0pvD5hnM5P1xnhtqEa8zxAjU0cx4lO5GznJSAHM
- - id: participant2
uri: http://service2:9080
primaryPublicKey: MCowBQYDK2VuAyEANEZj3cKTbrPIp-AFHiNgaidGzNa9bOMozwUIxVahk0w
secondaryPublicKey: MEIwBQYDK2VvAzkAovrwuTlBqPMEUB99_ykABPewVIoe51RLZGHCZ-hh4DD_6gjDMA3KfjjIfg2IjNLXjL0NiqVqVuY
- participant1
- participant2
clientIndex: 0
participantIndex: 1
participantPrimaryPrivateKey: MC4CAQAwBQYDK2VuBCIEIPDcEiDMWAq9GWo3kIbOHoH_WCO5XPfoM_UusfYx5Hhv
participantSecondaryPrivateKey: MEYCAQAwBQYDK2VvBDoEOJwWgGHPGnVUTHQTu2awOe2flV6PCu7lPN3gcn5X9M889TbKycBQt8vUYZcSG3-9JBn0CdPtwTzH
sessionTimeout: 60
protocolExecutionThreads: 8
protocolCommunicationThreads: 4
skipCreateTables: false
cacheSize: 100
partialSignatureTimeout: 3600
encryptionKey: topSecretEncryptionKey
TDSA Server Configuration (tdsaServer)
This configuration section contains specific options that apply only to the TDSA service.
Name | Description |
serverGroupId | This value should be kept private and must be set to the same value on each of the TDSA service participants. The value is used by servers to differentiate between server and client requests, as they are treated slightly differently. If the vault is configured, this value supports fetching a secret from the vault. Default is TDSA_SERVER |
serverGroupId: server_group_id_string
Vault Configuration (vault)
The TDSA service supports retrieving selected configuration values from a HashiCorp Vault. The vault instance must be configured through this configuration section to use this feature. The following options are available.
address | URI to the vault instance |
token | Client token for the vault instance. Can be a wrapped token if the “unwrap” option is set to true. Note that wrapped tokens are single-use only, so if wrapped tokens are used, then the token must be replaced when the service is restarted. |
unwrap | If true, the vault client in the TDSA service uses the token wrapping functionality to exchange a one-time wrapped token for a longer-lived access token. Default: false |
engineVersion | Which version of the K/V secrets engine is used. Default: 2 |
token: s.daMl067mv8VF8KtsIsk5CvHt
unwrap: false
engineVersion: 2
Retrieving Configuration Values From Vault
The following configuration keys can be fetched from the vault:
- tdsaLibrary.participantPrimaryPrivateKey
- tdsaLibrary.participantSecondaryPrivateKey
- tdsaLibrary.encryptionKey
- tdsaServer.serverGroupId
- database.user
- database.password
Two kinds of vault secrets engines are supported: The K/V engine (version 1 or 2) and the database engine. To retrieve a value from the vault, specify a selector in the configuration option. The selector has the following format:
K/V selector
- A prefix: "vault:" which is used to tell that the value is stored in the vault.
- A secrets engine selector. Here "kv:".
- Path to the Secrets document.
- A literal at-sign, "@".
- The key to select from the secrets document.
Example: To fetch the participantPrivateKey from the vault use the following value as the selector:
Database selector
- A prefix: "vault:" which is used to tell that the value is stored in the vault.
- A secrets engine selector. Here "database:".
- Path of the database engine.
- A literal at-sign, "@".
- The name of the database role
Example. To configure PostgreSQL credentials use the following values in the database configuration:
user: vault:database:database@my-role@username
password: vault:database:database@my-role@password
If only one of username and password is set, both the username and the password are still fetched from the vault.
If the database secrets engine has a TTL set, the TDSA service will renew database credentials before they expire.
HTTP Server Configuration (server)
This configuration section configures the Dropwizard HTTP server. Refer to the Dropwizard documentation for the different options.
TDSA Service Specific HTTP Server Configuration
The TDSA service requires two defined applicationConnectors. Implicitly, the first application connector is used for protocol communication, the second connector is used for the management API.
In order to use the health checks and metrics available, there must be an adminConnectors defined. This connector is only used for the health check and metrics functionality and can be omitted if this is not needed.
maxThreads: 100
minThreads: 10
maxQueuedRequests: 50
allowedMethods: [ HEAD, GET, PUT, POST, OPTIONS, DELETE ]
appenders: []
- type: http
port: 9080
- type: http
port: 8080
- type: http
port: 8081
HTTP Client Configuration (httpClient)
This configuration section configures the Dropwizard HTTP client. Refer to the Dropwizard documentation for the different options.
timeout: 30s
connectionTimeout: 10s
timeToLive: 60s
cookiesEnabled: false
maxConnections: 1024
maxConnectionsPerRoute: 1024
validateAfterInactivityPeriod: 30s
keepAlive: 30s
retries: 3
Logging (logging)
This configuration section configures the logging within the TDSA service. Refer to the Dropwizard documentation for the different options.
level: INFO
- type: console
threshold: TRACE
target: stdout
"org.reflections": ERROR
"org.apache": WARN
"org.apache.axis2": WARN
"org.apache.axiom": WARN
"httpclient.wire": WARN
"com.sepior.tdsa": INFO
"com.sepior.tdsaservice": INFO
Database Configuration (database)
This configuration section configures the database used by the TDSA service. Refer to the Dropwizard documentation for the different options.
The TDSA service supports the following databases:
Database | driverClass | url |
H2 | org.h2.Driver | jdbc:h2:file: |
SQLite | org.sqlite.JDBC | jdbc:sqlite:file: |
MariaDB/MySQL | org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver | jdbc:mariadb://:/ |
PostgreSQL | org.postgresql.Driver | jdbc:postgresql://:/ |
The user and password database options supports fetching credentials from vault if this is configured.
user: database_username
password: database_password
charSet: UTF-8
Health Check Configuration (health)
Refer to the Health Check and Metrics section.
Health Check and Metrics
The TDSA service serves health information on the administration port. The health check runs a number of checks to check if the system is operating normally. The health checks are customizable through the service configuration.
The URI of the health check endpoint is:
If all of the health checks succeed the endpoint will return 200 OK. If any of the checks fail it returns 500 Server Error. The failing health check will be reported in the response along with a message.
The TDSA service also serves as a JSON document with performance counters, timers and other numbers. This metrics document can be accessed on the administration port and can be used to monitor how many operations the service is performing per second.
The URI of the metrics report is:
Configuring Health Checks
The health check endpoint uses a configurable list of health checks along with two internal ones. The internal ones check for database connectivity and that no deadlocks have occurred in the application. The health checks can be configured through the health object in the configuration file.
The health object contains a list of monitored metrics in the monitor array. Each monitor looks at a metric and uses a statistic such as the mean rate or exponentially decaying moving average over the last 15 minutes, etc. The monitor checks the currently measured value against a minimum and/or maximum value. If either is exceeded the monitor reports a failure. The accurate list of metric names is obtained through the metrics endpoint.
An example configuration
- name: max_aborted_presiggen
metric: com.sepior.tdsa.ABORTED.PRESIG
statistic: m5_rate
max: 5.0
This example monitors the rate of aborted presignatures in the TDSA library by looking at a moving average over the past 5 minutes. The health check is configured to fail if there are more than 5 aborts per second. The key "min" is supported at the same level as "max" and will report a failure if the value is less than the minimum value.
Metric types
There are 4 different types of metrics that are exposed through the metrics endpoint and available to the health check configuration. The types are meters, timers, counters and histograms. Each metric type has a different set of statistics to choose from. The following matrix lists the different statistics and whether a metric supports it.
Name | Description | Counter | Meter | Timer | Histogram |
count | Number of events since application start-up | Y | Y | Y | Y |
m1_rate | Exp. decaying moving average over the past 1 minute | N | Y | Y | N |
m5_rate | Exp. decaying moving average over the past 5 minute | N | Y | Y | N |
m15_rate | Exp. decaying moving average over the past 15 minute | N | Y | Y | N |
mean_rate | Mean rate since application start-up | N | Y | Y | N |
min | Minimum value over the past 5 minutes | N | N | Y | Y |
max | Maximum value over the past 5 minutes | N | N | Y | Y |
stddev | Standard deviation over the pat 5 minutes | N | N | Y | Y |
median | Median value over the past 5 minutes | N | N | Y | Y |
75th | 75th percentile over the past 5 minutes | N | N | Y | Y |
95th | 95th percentile over the past 5 minutes | N | N | Y | Y |
98th | 98th percentile over the past 5 minutes | N | N | Y | Y |
99th | 99th percentile over the past 5 minutes | N | N | Y | Y |
999th | 99.9th percentile over the past 5 minutes | N | N | Y | Y |
Authentication Keys
A primary and secondary key pair in the correct format can be generated with the following script. This requires OpenSSL 1.1.1.
function finish {
rm -rf "${x25519_private_key_file}" "${x25519_public_key_file}" "${x448_private_key_file}" "${x448_public_key_file}"
trap finish EXIT
openssl genpkey -algorithm X25519 -outform DER -out "${x25519_private_key_file}"
openssl pkey -inform DER -in "${x25519_private_key_file}" -pubout -outform DER -out "${x25519_public_key_file}"
openssl genpkey -algorithm X448 -outform DER -out "${x448_private_key_file}"
openssl pkey -inform DER -in "${x448_private_key_file}" -pubout -outform DER -out "${x448_public_key_file}"
echo "Primary Public key: $(openssl base64 -A < "${x25519_public_key_file}" | sed 's@+@-@g; s@/@_@g; s@=@@g')"
echo "Primary Private key: $(openssl base64 -A < "${x25519_private_key_file}" | sed 's@+@-@g; s@/@_@g; s@=@@g')"
echo "Secondary Public key: $(openssl base64 -A < "${x448_public_key_file}" | sed 's@+@-@g; s@/@_@g; s@=@@g')"
echo "Secondary Private key: $(openssl base64 -A < "${x448_private_key_file}" | sed 's@+@-@g; s@/@_@g; s@=@@g')"
Load Balancing
If a single tdsa-service is not sufficient to handle the load, then multiple tdsa-service instances can be run in parallel. This requires a load balancer and that all tdsa-service instances share a common database.
The connectors on the tdsa-service require different load-balancing strategies:
Port | Notes |
Protocol port | Sticky sessions are required since the tdsa-service stores session information in memory. The load balancer must route requests with the same Session-Id header to the same tdsa-service. |
API port | No special requirements. Can for example be load-balanced in a round-robin fashion. |
Administration port | Should not be load balanced, as information retrieved here is only relevant to the specific tdsa-service, e.g. health checks and metrics. |
The load balancer can terminate TLS connections and forward requests to the tdsa-service instances over plain HTTP. Note that data sent over the protocol port are still encrypted and authenticated on the application level.
Database Encryption
The TDSA library supports using a custom implementation of the storage encryptor. To use this with the TDSA service the implementation must be packaged as one or more jar files. These jar files must be placed in a folder which is mounted in the container under the path /tdsa/lib.
The configuration is similar to that of the TDSA library.
API Port Authentication
As mentioned before, access to the API port must be restricted. One way of doing this is to use TLS with client certificates. The script at the end of this section can be used to generate keys and certificates for such a setup. It should be invoked with the following command: output_dir hostname1 hostname2, ..., hostnameN
Where output_dir is the directory where the generated files should be placed. This is followed by a list of host names to generate server certificates. The keystores are generated with a password of changeit. You can either change the password in the script or change the password afterwards using Java's keytool command.
The script will generate the following files:
Filename | Description |
truststore.pkcs12 | Truststore that must be used by the servers to verify client certificates, and by the client to verify the server certificates. This contains the certificate found in the file ca.crt. |
keystore.hostname.pkcs12 | Keystore for the server with the given hostname. If more hostnames are specified, then there will be multiple keystore files. This file contains the server certificate and private key. |
ca.crt | The same certificate as found in truststore.pkcs12. This is for clients that can't use the Java truststore format. |
client.crt | Client certificate. |
client.key | The private key corresponds to the client certificate. |
Once the files are generated the API port should be configured for HTTPS with client authentication. Here is an example of a production-ready configuration that works with the tdsa-service:
- type: http
port: 9080
- type: https
port: 8443
keyStorePath: output_dir/
keyStorePassword: changeit
trustStorePath: output_dir/truststore.pkcs12
trustStorePassword: changeit
needClientAuth: true
maxCertPathLength: 1
jceProvider: Conscrypt
supportedProtocols: [ TLSv1.2 ]
Here is the complete script:
set -e
if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <output_directory> <hostname> [hostnames...]"
exit 1
if [ ! -d "${output_directory}" ]; then
echo "Output directory does not exist"
exit 1
shift 1
for cmd in openssl keytool; do
if ! command -v "${cmd}" 1>/dev/null; then
echo "Command not found in path: ${cmd}"
exit 1
serial_file="$(mktemp -u)"
function finish {
rm -f "${private_key_file}" "${private_key_temp_file}" "${cert_req_file}" "${cert_file}" "${config_file}" "${serial_file}" "${ca_key_file}"
trap finish EXIT
function generate_private_key() {
local -r private_key="$1"
openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -param_enc named_curve -outform PEM -out "${private_key_temp_file}"
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in "${private_key_temp_file}" -outform PEM -out "${private_key}"
function generate_ca() {
local -r truststore="${output_directory}/truststore.pkcs12"
generate_private_key "${ca_key_file}"
openssl req -new -key "${ca_key_file}" -nodes -sha256 -x509 -days 36525 -out "${ca_cert}" -subj "/CN=TDSA CA" -config "${config_file}" -extensions ca_cert
rm -f "${truststore}"
keytool -import -noprompt -file "${ca_cert}" -alias ca -trustcacerts -storepass changeit -storetype pkcs12 -keystore "${truststore}"
function generate_client() {
local -r client_key="${output_directory}/client.key"
local -r client_cert="${output_directory}/client.crt"
generate_private_key "${client_key}"
openssl req -new -key "${client_key}" -out "${cert_req_file}" -subj "/CN=TDSA Client" -config "${config_file}" -extensions client_cert
openssl x509 -req -days 36525 -in "${cert_req_file}" -CA "${ca_cert}" -CAkey "${ca_key_file}" -CAcreateserial -CAserial "${serial_file}" -out "${client_cert}" -extfile "${config_file}" -extensions client_cert
function generate_server() {
local -r hostname="$1"
local -r keystore="${output_directory}/keystore.${hostname}.pkcs12"
generate_private_key "${private_key_file}"
openssl req -new -key "${private_key_file}" -out "${cert_req_file}" -subj "/CN=${hostname}" -config "${config_file}" -extensions server_cert
openssl x509 -req -days 36525 -in "${cert_req_file}" -CA "${ca_cert}" -CAkey "${ca_key_file}" -CAcreateserial -CAserial "${serial_file}" -out "${cert_file}" -extfile "${config_file}" -extensions server_cert
openssl pkcs12 -inkey "${private_key_file}" -in "${cert_file}" -CAfile "${ca_cert}" -caname ca -chain -export -out "${keystore}" -password pass:changeit -name server
cat <<EOL >> "${config_file}"
[ req ]
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
[ req_distinguished_name ]
[ ca_cert ]
basicConstraints = critical, CA:TRUE
keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, cRLSign, keyCertSign
[ server_cert ]
basicConstraints = critical, CA:FALSE
nsCertType = server
keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment, keyAgreement
extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
[ client_cert ]
basicConstraints = critical, CA:FALSE
nsCertType = client
keyUsage = critical, nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment, keyAgreement
extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth
for hostname in "$@"; do
generate_server "${hostname}"
Updated 10 months ago